(200Mg) This Ayurvedic medicine having ghee as its base can keep the vata, pitta and kapha doshas calm. Herbs used in Panchtikta are known to eliminate toxins from the body and purify blood which is useful in treating non-healing ulcers, skin disease, eczema, psoriasis, worm infestations, hemorrhoids and cough.
(40Mg) Bavchi also known as Psoralea corylifolia belongs to the family Fabaceae.It is also called Bakuchi in Sanskrit. The oil extracted from seeds of Bavchi is used as a vasodilator and pigmentor which helps to treat skin problems such as psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, boils, skin eruptions, scabies, leucoderma, ringworm
and vitiligo.
(60Mg) Since ages, Vaidyas have been using chaulmoogra powder, oil, emulsion, or ointment on the skin to treat skin problems including psoriasis and eczema.
(150Mg) Neem oilis found in the seeds of the neem tree that has been used to help treat chronic skin conditions such as acne, warts,
ringworm, and eczema. Another skin condition neem oilhelps treat is Psoriasis.
Yashtimadhu Oil is beneficial to treat eczema, psoriasis and itchy and dry skin.Studies suggest that demulcent and anti-inflammatory agents in liquorice may decrease the signs of atopic dermatitis (eczema).Usage of concentrated extract of Liquorice helps alleviate skin diseases.
(20Mg) It is used in external as well as internal usage. In context of Ayurved, it is also considered as remedy in Pittaj Kapha patients.