lOOMg Vasaka is known as ‘Malabar Nut’ has manifold curative properties and is an ultimate remedial measure for a lot of health anomalies like breathing trouble, cough, and cold, nasal congestion. sore throat, asthma, bronchitis, other upper
respiratory tract infections, bleeding disorders, etc.
100Mg It is one of the oldest herbs known to mankind. Tulsi has multiple benefits that includes soothing fever,headache, sore throat, cold, cough, flu. etc.
125Mg Thanks to its expectorant and bronchodilator properties. Mulethi actually helps keep the respiratory tract clear and healthy.
25Mg Dried Ginger can be used as a natural remedy to treat a number of illnesses. A dried ginger can help cure a common cold and cough and helps reduce the phlegm production.
80Mg Turmeric increases mucus production, which naturally flushes out microbes that clog our respiratory tract.
63Mg Kantakari is beneficial for the management of respiratory problems like cough and asthma due to its expectorant property.
40Mg Somvallyor Somavalli contains decongestant. anti-inflammatory and antihistaminic properties. It effectively alleviates common cold and allergic cough.
25Mg The bulk of active constituents in Trikatu provide relief from respiratory disorders like asthma, bronchitis, COPâ–¡, cough and cold symptoms.
20Mg In Ayurvedic context, Bhangro is defined as Kasahara (treats cold and cough). It is useful in treating cough and congestion associated with common cold, influenza and chest infection.
4Mg Clove commonly known as Lavang, contain phenolic compounds such as eugenol and gallic acid, which are anti-inflammatory and antibacterial in nature. It also helps you to get rid of itchy feeling in the throat,caused due to a dry cough.
25Mg Pippli controls cough, releases mucus. clears air passages. thus allowingthe patient to breathe freely. Nilgiri Nilgiri extract can not only silence a cough, it can also help you get the mucus out of your chest.