(2%) It has antiseptic and antifungal pred in the treatment of a variety of the skin diseases like wounds, cut, burn injury, eczema, itching, ringworm etc.

(1%) Gandhak Rasayan is a great antibacterial, antimicrobial and antimicrobial ayurvedic medicine. It is beneficial in almost all types of infections due to its broad-spectrum antibiotic activity.It is beneficial in diseases such as urinary tract Infections, burning sensation in hands and feet, burning sensation in skin,itching, etc.

The research shows that Bavchi oilhas psoralens that stimulates melanin pigments of skin structure and promote pigmentation. It enhance skin health and shores up residual pigmentation.

(2%) Since ages, vaidyas have been using chaulmoogra powder, oil, emulsion, or ointment on the skin to treat skin problems including psoriasis and eczema.

(4%) Neem oil is found in the seeds of the neem tree that has been used to help treat chronic skin conditions such as acne, warts, ringworm, and eczema.Another skin condition neem oilhelps treat is Psoriasis.

(3%) Karanj oil can be used for psoriasis as it contains active constituents (flavonoids) which has antipsoriatic activity. Karanja oll with Neem oilis very effective against psoriasis and eczema giving synergistic effect.

(4%) Owing to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, Kokum heals, soothes Inflamed and damaged skin, while it promotes healthy skin cells.

:(2%) The herb Shwet Kutaj or Wrightia tinctoria is widely used in Ayurvedic treatment for Psoriasis. Extracts of Shwet Kutaj have greater antipsoriatic activity than any other modern chemical creams.Bio molecules of extracts of this plant stimulate the production of collagen in human skin.This relieves Psoriasis symptoms.

(3%) The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory nature of Durva aids in healing skin rashes, eczema, itching and leprosy.Application of durva on the affected skin area can treat fungal infections.