Improved Hair Protection…
Safe Oil is a research product of Dr. Nita Goswami with 100% natural active ingredients. It is useful for all round protections for your hairs. Safe Oil is produced with the base of Neem & Karanj Oil which an important herb for Hair and scalp. Safe Oil is a formulated product that is used to treat alopecia along with other hair or scalp problems.
Available In : 40ml Bottle.
Additional Info :
For better and faster results, use Safe Oil twice a week for atleast 3 months.
Ingredients ?Â
10% According to Ayurveda, Neem is a herb that has been known to promote hair growth, reduce hair fall and give you shiny, voluminous and healthy locks.Applying Neem oil is one of the most effective remedy to beat dandruff.
30%Â Karanja, since ancient times in Ayurvedic medicine has been used as photo protection while decreasing damage to skin and hair, as well as UV-induced hair color fading.
4% Cutch tree finds its major application in the treatment of skin problems more in particular, of allergic origin.
2% Lemon juice when used for hair, helps in removing stickiness from the hair.It removes excess oil and dandruff from hair and makes hair shinier.
2% Javasa,a perennial herb is mentioned as Kushtahara (remover of skin diseases) in Ayurveda.It is a helpful herb for treating Scalp Psoriasis and scalp infections.
2% Kachnar shows neuro-protective activity as it has antioxidant properties.It reduces oxidative stress and protects the brain cells (neurons) against damage caused by free radicals.
3% When camphor is applied to your scalp, especially when it is itchy, Camphor increases blood flow and acts as a counterirritant. Camphor is also known to moisturize a dry scalp.
0neof the benefits of Babool is that it controls hair fall. Its bark is quite beneficial for the health of hair.
Kampilak is mentioned as sheeta pradan (giver of cooling effect) in Ayurveda.
The external application of Vidanga is used to relieve irritation, rashes, and various skin disorders due to allergy or infection on scalp.
Indications ?
Precautions :
How to use :
Apply Safe Oil 2 times a week upto the scalp before bedtime & wash hair next morning with Keshtone Liquid.
Medicine strictly to be used as per Physician’s advise.
The information provided on this page is not intended to substitute any advice from a registered medical practitioner. The details mentioned here does not advice self medication, diagnosis, treatment or substitution of a prescribed medicine. This product shall be sold to you under the available prescription by a registered medicinal practitioner. You must abide and follow advice given by a registered medicinal practitioner.
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